Added ferries by late john pombe magufuli have helped in time saving
It is normally a nightmare to get a ferry on time it was quiet interesting today of how the two ferries where working hard to make sure everyone can cross in a timely manner professional management always makes a big difference please keep it up and thank you for getting me on the other side on time much appreciated, asante
I was almost there enjoying good times with my family.
Quite an establishment. No room for entry forgery. Quite secure. New ferries. Arrive here and you will not complain.It is a ferry connection from Mwanza through Sengerema to Geita. It is one route you may end up at four boarders. Burundi, Rwanda, Congo and Uganda.
Good place for travel
Its short port route to travel in the lake so it just saves time
Systematic and sophisticated ferry transport
There Suma JKT there good in allocating things
Cheap price, good service. Safe!
Now the bridge is ready
Superb ferry services
Love to cross here
Ferry that connects Mwanza and geita to kagera
Nice ferry
While in the ferry there I took some pictures. There was a dangerous queue.
Good leave