An up coming shopping centre with most traders dealing with perishable agricultural products, this shopping center is located at the entrance of mwanza city on sirare mwanza road.The buildings in this centre are mainly semi permanent , with most traders preferring to use umbrellas as their temporary shelter .The settlement pattern of this town is majorly linear with most of the few permanent buildings being located along the main road.The population here prefer using swahili as the main language for communication, the people are friendly and welcoming, they like visitors. Very few are capable of communicating fluently in English language.Igoma shopping center consists of not only natives but also people from different localities, this diversity of culture has led to some kind of liberation and familiarization of different cultures .The main religions are Christianity and islam , education is well taken and most subjects are taught in Swahili.There are hospitals in Igoma, both public hospital which is government owned and privately owned clinics.Igoma town is comparatively clean in relation to the other mushrooming centers, the council workers do garbage collection on a daily basis and dumping of wastes on roads and public places is prohibited .Its a nice town to live in.