Huge area with Schools, University, Trade School and the Church.Muungano Primary School is a government owned schools which was in the past part of the Catholic Church. It was know as Saint Francis School. It is within the compound though it was taken by government.These days Saint Francis Secondary School is a girls only Catholic Church owned school which is also part in the Catholic compound. It rates first to sixth best Secondary school in the country. Very very good school.There is a trade school (vocational training) specialized in Mechanical engineering training serving those who havent had a chance to pursue University education. And for those in need of driving training there are also classes offered.Saint Augustine University of Tanzania is also located within the compound. It offers many Certificate, Diploma and Degree courses.There is also a nursery school for preschoolers and primary school withing the same compound.
A very serene place to feel GODs presence
Love the sculptures, good masses, nice choir (the first mass thought), crowded, lovely environment
Nice place for worship and praise LORD for christians
Better place for everyone#faith based organization
Very nice place for prayers
Good place for worship
The best place to worship in Mbeya
Well scheduled mass service.
St. Francis of Aziz church.
A good place for Worship
Just on my way
Nice Market
Good place