Its among prominent day dwelling schools in the city. It falls under Baptist regulations by far most and Its a wonderful institution for excellence indeed.
The best school in Dsm city to transform your child from being just an educated person to a Golden industrial potential personel in todays world
The best school,perfect environment for studying,proffesional teachers and well disciplined students.Be Blessed
The best private school in dar es salaam where u can receive quality education
The school that gives spiritual & Life educationGod is our strength
For better Education join DSM Baptist Secondary School
The best school for quality education.
A perfect destination for secondary level studies.
A true and giant school
This is a school that has been part of my dream life and just like homeI will not stop remembering this school thank the school principal
It is indeed a school for children to reach their educational and spiritual goals.God bless Dbss Ameen .....
Baptist secondary will remain high
Best school in Dar es salaam